I honestly at first had no idea what was going on with this type of graphic novel/ comic. The first panel to me is a lady dancing around or kicking a rooster that is standing on an egg with a basket of eggs near by. The woman is possibly casting a spell onto the rooster possibly an evil spell seeing as the mood of the piece doesn't seem that happy.
The second panel is a bird/human with a big wing standing over a woman who is sleeping or dead. There is a rooster in the corner. The rooster in the corner seems like a repeat from the first panel. Woman might be dead caused from the deranged bird/human. Possible magical source gone wrong. Chandelier hangs from above the presumably dead woman upon which she lays upon what appears to be a dinning table.
The third panel is a lady dead in a coffin under ground with another woman standing above her naked with two male type figures on either side with rooster costumes. They are both looking down at the dead woman. Looks like the watchmen has just found her coffin messed with and he's not comfortable with her casket being open,
The fourth panel is a naked woman on the floor/bed type furniture with some sort of snake man and a rooster man. Might be a slave woman, possible pre curser to the three panels above. Kind of looks like she might have gotten killed on accident then. Slave woman might be there for entertainment or pleasure. Not really sure what is going on in this panel. It is different from the first three and with no words makes it confusing.
For the fifth panel at first look I thought that is was a chicken man giving the gesture of "Oh Yeah" with his arms in the air as a woman lies dead on the floor. Looking more into it kind of appears like the bird man has killed the slave and that this is the pre curser to the first four panels. almost as if showing you what actually happened and how she came to be dead.
For the sixth panel I honestly have no idea what is going on. Possibly a man/ woman doing some sort of pose or gesture while a rooster man of death watches. It looks like the woman may have committed some sort of sin or something and has come into the house with the man, maybe had something going on and she isn't supposed to be there. The rooster man might be sneaking in unknowingly to the two people and is coming to get her. Which could be a pre curser to the other five panels. So that this whole thing was entirely backwards. played in part somewhat like a movie where they start at one point in time and then reflect back on the past. It is really hard to tell though because of the lack of words and lack of style change throughout the pieces. Also the mood seems to carry exactly the same in all of the panels making it hard to figure out what exactly is going on.
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